Il Ponteronico Resort holds the name of the famous Ponte Ronaco, the bridge which links the ancient town of Sessa Aurunca (founded in the eigth century b.C.) and the Appian Way, one of the renowned Roman roads.
The Ponte Ronaco, also called Ponte degli Aurunci (which is the mountain chain visible on the west side of the resort), was built in the second century a.C.; it is composed by 21 Roman round arches, made in brick and reticulated work, and featuring paving of the era of Emperor Traianus. At the time of the construction of the ‘Bridge’, the particular orography of this area required a smart solution to cross the wide valley of the torrent Travata; in the past several Roman and pre-Roman tombs have been found in this area.
The ‘Bridge’ rests directly upon the northern side of the resort and may be also reached from Sessa Aurunca on the opposite side. Currently the ‘Bridge’ may be walked only partially; nevertheless we are proud to consider this resort as a ‘new bridge’ convoying the ancient culture of Sessa Aurunca toward the third millennium.